
Report Card Distribution & Parent Interviews

Our School will be delivering report cards electronically on Thursday, November 14th (after 4 p.m.) via the Parent...

Parent School Council Meeting: Thursday, November 15th, 2023

We invite all Parents and Guardians to come join the St. Brendan’s  Catholic School Council...

“Be A Guiding Light” November 6 -November 17, 2023

Dear SBN Families, The week of November 6-17, 2023 is “Be A Guiding Light Weeks”...


Dear SBN Families, You are invited to a parent information evening session about Online Safety...

Friday November 10th, We Remember.

Dear SBN Family, On Friday, November 10th at 10:35 a.m. you are invited to join...

Treaty Week Acknowledgement Nov.6 -Nov.10, 2023

Treaties Awareness Week occurs annually during the first week of November. It was introduced in...