
St. Brendan Catholic School Council Nomination Form

Our Catholic School Council is ready to embark on a new school year and we would like to extend an invitation to all parents to come join our Catholic School Council. The Catholic School Council is an advisory body whose mission is to enhance the education of our children in a faith-centered environment in partnership with the school, parish, community and home.

St. ... Continue reading "St. Brendan Catholic School Council Nomination Form"

SBN Spirit Wear

SBN SpritWear

St. Brendan CES is pleased to announce that Spirit Wear is available online for purchase.

Online store will be open from Sept 11 to Sept 22, 2023. Orders placed during this period will be delivered to the school by the end of October.

All orders can be made online on our dedicated E-store via this link:

... Continue reading "SBN Spirit Wear"

Policy 206 Supporting Students with Prevalent Medical Conditions

This new policy has been created to reflect Policy/Program Memorandum 161, Supporting Children and Students will Prevalent Medical Conditions (anaphylaxis, asthma, diabetes, and/or epilepsy) in schools. The York Catholic District School Board strives to create a safe and accepting learning environment for students with prevalent medical conditions. The York Catholic District School Board recognizes that Health Management Plans are a shared responsibility that require a ... Continue reading "Policy 206 Supporting Students with Prevalent Medical Conditions"

Pediculosis (Head Lice)

The York Catholic District School Board recognizes concerns related to pediculosis (head lice) at the school and community level. Pediculosis (head lice) are not a public hazard, as they do not cause illness, but they are a nuisance.  To prevent pediculosis (head lice) from becoming a problem at our school we all need to work together. Please check your child’s head on a regular basis ... Continue reading "Pediculosis (Head Lice)"

Drop & Go Reminders

Thank you for your cooperation in assisting us to ensure a seamless flow of traffic in the morning when dropping off your child(ren).  Please remember to:

  • Pull up as far east along the curb parallel to the Kindergarten pen

  • Please avoid getting out of your vehicle, as this disrupts the flow of traffic and delays others from

  • ... Continue reading "Drop & Go Reminders"