
Synchronous Virtual Learning

As communicated by the York Catholic District School Board, starting Monday November 7, 2022, schools will be closed to students.  Schools will move to synchronous virtual learning.

Students should have received instructions from their teachers on how to join their virtual classrooms.

The Board will continue to provide updates to families  via email, the YCDSB website and YCDSB Twitter account. ... Continue reading "Synchronous Virtual Learning"

Remembrance Day

St. Brendan will be having a Liturgy in honour of Remembrance Day on November 11th at 10:45am.  Parents are welcome to attend this assembly which will take place in the school gym.

Poppies will be distributed to all students. If families would like to make a cash donation, please send it in a Ziploc bag, to your child’s classroom teacher, as ... Continue reading "Remembrance Day"

Hot Lunch

The Hot Lunch program has begun.  You can place your hot lunch order until the end of day on Sunday October 30, 2022.  Attached is the Hot Lunch flyer for your information.  Hot Lunch orders can be placed through  School-Day.

SBN Hot Lunches.pdf

St. Katherine Drexel CHS Open House – November 10, 2022 @ SBN

The York Catholic District School Board will host an in-person high school open house for students and families of those currently in Grades 6, 7 and 8.

The open house will happen on Thursday, November 10, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. at St. Brendan CES.

The open house will highlight important information, such as, administration, programs, graduation requirements, dress code, school structure, ... Continue reading "St. Katherine Drexel CHS Open House – November 10, 2022 @ SBN"

Halloween Dance

On Monday October 31, 2022, SBN is looking forward to hosting a Halloween Dance for all the students. Music will be provided by our Intermediate students. Students are invited to dress up in their costumes on that day. Swords/weapons associated with your child’s costumes are unfortunately not permitted at school.

The dance times are as follows:

FDK                9:30 – 10:00am (Parents ... Continue reading "Halloween Dance"