
Pediculosis (Head Lice)

The York Catholic District School Board recognizes concerns related to pediculosis (head lice) at the school and community level. Pediculosis (head lice) are not a public hazard, as they do not cause illness, but they are a nuisance.  To prevent pediculosis (head lice) from becoming a problem at our school we all need to work together. Please check your child’s head on a regular basis ... Continue reading "Pediculosis (Head Lice)"

Reporting Absences

The safety of all students is our priority.  Please read the following information links regarding reporting your child(ren) absent for school.  There are multiple ways to report their absence and instructions on how to set up SafeArrival is also included in this communication.  We thank you in advance for your diligence.

Safe Arrival Parent Letter

Safe Arrival Instructions ... Continue reading "Reporting Absences"