Picture Day
Tuesday September 27, 2022 is picture day at St. Brendan.
We’re looking forward to seeing the beautiful smiles from all the students.
Photo re-take day is on November 16, 2022.
Tuesday September 27, 2022 is picture day at St. Brendan.
We’re looking forward to seeing the beautiful smiles from all the students.
Photo re-take day is on November 16, 2022.
Students at SBN are encouraged to wear red and white as we support our annual Terry Fox Walk/Run for Cancer Research on September 21, 2022. On this day, we walk/run in remembrance of Terry, who aimed to make a cross Canada trek to raise funds for cancer research to find a cure. We join other schools across Canada as we walk/run with pride to honour ... Continue reading "Terry Fox Day & Red/White Day"
Please join us, and take the opportunity to meet the St. Brendan Staff and learn about what your child will be learning for the year on Tuesday September 20, 2022. Open house will take place from 7pm – 8pm, with two 25 minute sessions.
We are looking forward to meeting you all.
We are very excited to offer the opportunity to purchase St. Brendan Spirit Wear through our dedicated E-store. This is a yearly opportunity to promote our school spirit and also adheres to our school dress code policy.
The web campaign for 2022 starts on Friday September 9th – Friday September 16th. Orders placed during this period will be delivered at no charge to ... Continue reading "Spirit Wear"
The York Catholic District School Board has a comprehensive policy to help protect students with life threatening allergies. As outlined in the policy, parents are asked to inform the school of such allergies immediately and and are required to complete “Administration of Medication for Anaphylactic Student” forms which are available at the school office.
Students for whom an Epipen has been prescribed must ... Continue reading "Anaphylaxis"
Policy 206: Protection of Students with Asthma
In accordance with the Act to Protect Pupils with Asthma (Ryan’s Law: Ensuring Asthma Friendly Schools, 2015) the York Catholic District School Board recognizes that there are some students within the school system who have a diagnosis of asthma which could be life threatening. The York Catholic District School Board also recognizes that asthma management is ... Continue reading "Policy 206: Asthma"